I.T. enthusiasts has a lot of difficulties to face in the future. The need for an edge can take people to countless doubts of their acquired skills and education. This is simply because the competency for skill orientation and performance in an individual is tightened each time a new sets of graduates or newly hired people is found. This rage takes students to blame their school thinking that they didn't give them all the information and practical activities they need. There are instances that the professor's skill is questioned and the worst case scenario, they BAD-MOUTH their Alma Mater. Leaving it defenseless and ending up into less enrollees in the coming year.
Its not that all schools or teachers are good in what they do, I do believe that there is always a black sheep in the flock and a last in a race. But what must students know is that the education, especially the field of Technology, is a vast quick-changing industry. The lessons thought in the school does not compose of everything that an I.T. practitioner should know, instead its the fundamentals of what are they soon be going to have. Just like in building a house, foundations must be strengthened in order to create a great house. It is first before the content of the house, the rooms and the design of the building. Yet this simple detail are left not revealed because of the judging eyes and careless tongues burst quickly by just seeing an error in the institution.
Then what should these I.T. enthusiasts do? Its just simple. Stay updated in the trend and study seriously in their present education. Complaining of what he do not have will not help him improve his skills. Researching and self-studying is. One must know that the education thought in the school is not composed by information and skills alone, but also attitude. Attitude towards work and life. Not just attitude but good attitude towards it. Perseverance and hard work at all times. Putting extra efforts if needed. These will build a good I.T. practitioner one day. And one must remember, graduation is not the end of education, it is the start of a new curriculum called "Living Life".
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